First is a picture of us at a restaurant called Cow & Bridge. It has excellent Thai food and is a frequent dinner spot for adoptive families. Marley ate Pad Thai off of my chopsticks. I think she was really fooling Dave and I last week with the whole act of not wanting to eat anything that wasn't mushy and served on a spoon. Note the cute green bow in her hair in the picture. She will keep the little hairbows in for as long as it takes for her to realize they are there, and then she pulls them out and throws them on the ground. A woman in a shop told me that Marley is a baby with good luck because girls who look like boys are considered to be lucky in China. Not sure if that was meant as a compliment or not, but I'm going to keep pushing the hairbow thing for awhile;)
Second is a video that speaks for itself. She is just a sweet, lovable little thing.
I love all your new posts! Wow! You sound sooo much better! I loved the video of Marley. VERY cute!!!!
What a precious video. I'm so happy for you and that things are going well. Enjoy your sweet baby girl and be safe.
Holly, I love reading your blog. You are a tremendous soul for giving your beautiful daughter a new life with your family. Your writing is so inspirational. While I dont know what you have been going through with the adoption process - although I do know its grueling as a friend of mine went through it as well - But I can relate to traveling around the world alone and leaving your loving husband and children behind. I travel for my job and its heart wrenching at times. Find comfort in knowing that Daddy is taking wonderful care of them and that you'll be home soon enough - and then one day when you are having a "pull your hair out kind of day" you'll wish you were on your trip again! ;) Kidding - but in all seriousness - use this time to soak up Marley and enjoy the mommy time you have with her because once you arrive back home, Marley will be marveled by her brothers, daddy and friends and family. So enjoy this quiet time with her while you have it. God Bless You in your journey. My thoughts and prayers are wtih you.
Tracy (Riley) Satcho
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