
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Marley's "fall" photo shoot

OK,so if we purchase the kids' school pictures in the fall and spring when they are taken, and we buy enough to send off to grandparents, aunts & uncles, as well as a few for here at home . . . it seriously ends up costing about $250/year. Half the time, the kids look stiff and miserable in the pictures, and are posed in front of backdrops that should be named "Radioactive Red" "Plutonium Purple" and "Gosh-I've-never-seen-this-color-in-nature Green". Awful, unnatural colors--uncomfortable kids with glued-on smiles. I just can't stomach shelling out so much dough for pictures that I usually don't love. I'm not one to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty good with ye olde camera, so this year, I'm doing the kids pics myself. Marley and I did her "fall" (it's technically fall, but 91 degrees outside) photos today. Write me a comment to vote for your favorites!
I have my favorites, but I happen to have the inside scoop on her little personality, so I know which ones I think show her true Marley-ness. I can't wait to see which ones other people like best!


jennifer anaya said...

My favorite is #6 they are all really cute but my other favs are 1,2, and 11.

jake said...

so cute...I like #2 and #8

Amy said...

Definitely #3. She looks a bit mischevious!!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

I love #3!! : )

Bateh's Journey to China said...

Sorry but I love them all! I love her! Can't believe she's grown already. Matthew still remembers her, believe it or not.

Unknown said...

#3 followed closely by #1 and #11.