What do you get when you put five family members in a one-room cabin, then crank the exterior heat up to 95+ for a week straight? Huffman Family Vacation 2010, that's what you get! We just got back from spending a fun week on the eastern shore of Virginia, and despite the heat and close quarters, we had a blast! We played and partied with three families we're close buds with, and soaked up the sunshine paired with a little low-key living.
Hanging out at the Gustafson's shore escape:
Playing and exploring at Kiptopeke State Park:
Sweatin' at the campground (I was going to say "Chillin'", but that just wasn't the case with the 95-100 temps all week!):
Sunset Dolphin Cruise on our last night of vacation. We got much closer than my pictures show, but by that point Casey had clogged the toilet on the boat, Keller was running circles around the whole deck, and Marley was being full-on Marley-ish:
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