a) pick up a nice hobby like knitting, scrapbooking, or jewelry-making?
b) spend more time making her home into a spotless temple of domestication?
c) sign up for a half marathon, develop a fundraising program, and set a goal of raising enough funds to send three Chinese girls to high school for another year?
OK, so logical isn't my typical M.O. I've tried choice "a" before and I have a cubby hole full of dust-covered craft items to prove it. Choice "b" would be nice, if I believed for a second that my house would stay clean and uncluttered with these three little urchins running around.
So, "c" it is! I'll be running the Frederick, Maryland 1/2 marathon on May 2nd as the first member of Team Angel Covers, and I'm working on raising $393 to sponsor three girls through Angel Covers and the Mama's Wish program
So far, I'm a team of one, but with the support of some generous friends, Team Angel Covers has already raised enough funds to provide a high school scholarship for one special girl and we're well on our way to supporting a second girl! A huge "Thank You" goes out to the following people and their families: Josh Moffitt, Shannon Trust, Faith Gorham, Cindy Barr, Christy Murrell, Amy Gildea, Amy Ries, and my hubby, Dave. Thanks to all of you, Renqing Cuo will be able to continue her studies for another year.
For the rest of my faithful readers, please consider making a contribution to help sponsor another student. Any amount is appreciated and will go a long way toward reaching my goal! Click here to support Team Angel Covers or mail a check to Angel Covers · P.O. Box 6891 · Broomfield, CO 80021